Tuesday, April 30, 2013

These characters belong to Chuudles.  The one in front that looks like a cat is Nathhan cosplaying as
Dr.Stein from Soul Eater, while the one in the background is Mark as prince gumball from Adventure time.  Hope ya like it  /)^3^(\

1 comment:

  1. Ahjlksahlsajfklasjd I love it ahhhh! (/]e3e)[\~♥ I just...Gumball is a perfect choice. Mark is pretty much that dude except he tailors instead of bakes ahahaha. THE HAIR WAS A GOOD CHOICE YAR. But...man, I love Nathaniel as Dr. Stein. The body posture and expression are dead on for him (no pun intended), and the way you put all the stitches on really mesh with your flat-cartoonish style. I love that, man. You're awesome. ( >u<)-b
